

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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The demon tied up the Tang Monk in a dark room. Then the demon dragged in Bajie and Wujing. They were still trapped in the vests. The demon dumped them in a corner and approached the monk.

“I’ve been hoping you would pass my mountain,” the demon said with an evil smile.

“Please let us go,” said the Tang Monk. “We’re trying to reach the Western Paradise.”

“I know where you’re going,” said the demon. “I also know that I’ll live forever if I eat you.”

“Who are you?” demanded Wujing from the corner.

The demon turned to face him. “I am One-Horned Buffalo.”

“Our friend will find us soon,” said Bajie. 

“He’s very powerful. And when he learns that you kidnapped us, he’ll destroy your entire mountain.”

One-Horned Buffalo smirked. “Who is your friend?”

“His name is Sun Wukong,” said Bajie.

The demon’s smirk disappeared. “Is he the Sun Wukong who caused trouble in Heaven?” The demon sounded nervous.

“Yes, he is,” said Wujing. “Heaven’s entire army couldn’t defeat him.”

“Even the Jade Emperor is afraid of him,” Bajie added.

One-Horned Buffalo stood taller. “Well, I’m not afraid of him!”

The demon walked out of the room. Once he was away from the others though, he grew worried again. “That monkey is powerful,”he said to himself. “I’m going to need my special weapon to defeat him.”

He lifted his sleeve, revealing a metal ring around his arm.

Carrying food, Wukong returned to where he’d left his friends. When he didn’t see them, he looked up toward the monastery.

The building was gone. In its place was a dark cave.

Wukong shook his head. “That monastery was an illusion. A demon must have made it to trick people.” He stamped his foot. “Why don’t my friends believe me when I warn them about demons?”

He put down the food and rushed to the cave.

“Open up!” shouted the monkey. “If you don’t, I’ll turn this entire mountain into a pile of rubble!”

The door flew open, and One-Horned Buffalo stepped out.

“Why are you yelling?” demanded the demon. “It’s rude!”

“Release my friends!” yelled Wukong.

“No.” One-Horned Buffalo folded his arms. “I’m not going to release your friends.

They’re criminals. They stole my valuable silk vests.”

“That’s a lie,” said Wukong. “The Tang Monk is a good and honest man. He would never steal. I can’t believe you would even suggest— ”

“It was the pig,” said the demon.

“Oh.” The monkey scratched his head. 

“Well, then I believe you. But that doesn’t matter!”

Wukong pulled out his iron bar and swung it at the demon.

One-Horned Buffalo dodged the bar, which smashed into the mountainside. Rocks exploded and tumbled down the mountain’s slope.

The demon glared at Wukong. “I remember you. The Jade Emperor might fear you, but I don’t!”

He rushed at Wukong, and the monkey swung his iron bar again. The demon blocked it with his arm. Bam!

“Ow!” cried One-Horned Buffalo, rubbing his arm. He fell to his knees and turned his back to the monkey.

“My iron bar is not an ordinary weapon,” said Wukong. “It’s extremely heavy.” He noticed the demon reaching up his sleeve.

“What are you doing?”

One-Horned Buffalo spun around, holding up the metal ring.

Instantly Wukong felt himself being pulled toward the ring. Using all of his strength, the monkey leaped into the air. But the bar was ripped from his hands.

It flew into the metal ring and vanished.


1.buffalo [ˈbʌfəloʊ]  n.水牛(分非洲水牛和亚洲水牛两种)
英语单词buffalo本来指的是水牛。欧洲殖民者到达北美洲后,发现北美洲有大量野牛(American bison)。殖民者以前没见过这种牛,就将其误称为buffalo。后来人们虽然知道这种说法是错误的,但已经习惯成自然了。所以当你看到buffal一词时,需要注意区分该词出现的地区。如果是在欧洲,指的是“水牛”,如果是在北美,指的是“北美野牛”。
北美野牛曾经是当地印第安人主要的经济支柱。欧洲殖民者到达北美时,曾经大肆捕杀北美野牛。曾经有一位猎手以善于捕杀北美野牛而闻名,被称为“Buffalo Bill”(野牛比尔)。美国纽约州西部有座城市叫做Buffalo(水牛城),就是因为此地盛产北美野牛,曾经是印第安人的狩猎之地。
FROM: 钱博士英语
Once there were 70 million buffalo on the plains.


bu= ox 牛 

bucolic [bjuːˈkɑːlɪk] adj. 牧人的;田园的
bu 牛 + col 共同 + ic形容词后缀 → 牧人的;田园的
I do like peaceful life or I may call it bucolic life.
bugle  [ˈbjuːɡl] n. 军号;喇叭
bu 牛 +〔an〕gle 角 → 牛角做的军号 → 军号
The bugle sounded and the assault jumped off.
bull [bʊl] n. 公牛
bully   v. 欺侮(别人)
bull 公牛 + y 动词后缀 → 像公牛一样吓唬别人 → 欺侮
...a massive bull elephant with huge tusks.
2.illusion [ɪˈluːʒn]  n.错误的观念;幻想;幻想的事物;错觉
il 向内;进入 + lus 玩弄 + ion名词后缀 → 有被玩弄的〔幻觉〕→ 幻觉
同源词:ludic, elude, elusive.
He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.
3.rubble [ˈrʌbl]  n.碎石;碎砖
词源不详,可能来自rub, 刮,擦。磨,引申词义刮下来的碎石,碎砖。
Thousands of bodies are still buried under the rubble...
4.dodge [dɑːdʒ]  v.闪开;躲开;避开;(尤指不诚实地)逃避 n.推脱的计策;逃避的诡计;骗人的伎俩
He dodged his military service.



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